The End Times / Combo



This set, entitled The End Times: A Historical Perspective, includes the book and 3-CD set of Dr. D. James Kennedy’s six messages about the end times, and a useful 9 x 27 inch accordion-fold Christian History Timelines chart that provides a helpful timeline of leading church doctrine about this topic. Together, this set of resources will answer key questions about the end days and the Second Coming of Christ—subjects that have drawn many questions within the church.

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The 333 Old Testament Messianic prophesies may seem clear to us today, but it was not so in Israel before Jesus’ birth. The same is true today with respect to His return. Bible scholars often reach dramatically different conclusions about the same passages. But just as Jesus’ first coming made all prophecy about Him clear, all will be made plain at His second coming.

Historically, there have been diverse opinions concerning the return of Christ. Nevertheless, there has always been a majority view on what the Scriptures teach. This view is the theological perspective Dr. D. James Kennedy advances in this special series of messages. It represents the most widely-held view of the church throughout the nearly 2000-year history of Christendom—even though it is not the most widely-held view today.

This unique set, entitled The End Times: A Historical Perspective, includes the book and audio CD set of six messages by Dr. D. James Kennedy and will give you biblical truth and clarity about a topic that has drawn much speculation and even division inside of the church—the Second Coming of Christ. These enlightening messages include:

  1. The Second Coming
  2. The Time of the Rapture
  3. The Tribulation
  4. The Thief in the Night
  5. The Last Trumpet
  6. The Millennium.

This set also comes with a useful 9 x 27 inch accordion-fold Christian History Timelines chart that lays out the major views of the end times in a concise, easy-to-understand way and summarizes five key facts that every Christian should know about how Jesus will come. Together, this set of resources will help answer common questions you may have about the last days and will give crucial biblical insights into this important topic.

The aim of this invaluable volume is not to persuade the reader to Dr. Kennedy’s viewpoint, but rather to present the key Scriptures on the subject of the End Times, so that the reader may be persuaded by them alone. For the hope of every believer is that “This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11).