The Power of Persuasion – Rob’s Commentary

What are we asking for when we call for Christian Statesmanship? There’s a lot of confusion today, even among Christians, because of the dominance of the secular left in education and media over the past 60 or 70 years. To get a sense of it, we must go back before the modern revolutionaries tried to […]

The Greatest Struggle – Rob’s Commentary

Our modern media is devoted to making you think things are hopeless so that you’ll become apathetic. And to the naked eye, we would have to admit that many things on the social and political front look pretty bleak right now. But God instructs Christians to walk by faith and not by sight. While we […]

What Can One Person Do? – Rob’s Commentary

Wise people have noted that truth is like a road. There’s a ditch on either side of it that you want to steer clear of. When it comes to the church’s relationship with the world, one of those ditches we must avoid is putting our faith in politics and political leaders for salvation. But there’s […]

Training Your Children – Rob’s Commentary

God gives Christian parents the command to educate their children. And, first and foremost, that means instilling them with the truth of God’s Word. He doesn’t do this because he’s a taskmaster, it’s because he loves us. But it’s difficult to teach our children about God, if we don’t have a relationship with Him.

Absolute Truth – Rob’s Commentary

Atheists like to portray Christians as being anti-intellectual, driven by flowery feelings rather than facts and logic. Unfortunately, that has indeed been the case for all too many Christians over the past century or two. But if we are to truly obey Jesus—and to truly love Him—we are to engage our minds.

A Godly Education- Commentary

Many people have a completely wrong view of the role of the Bible and religion in public education. You may even be one of them. Discover the truth about the vital role that biblical wisdom is supposed to play in education—and how our founders recognized the Bible’s central role in training the next generation–on this […]

Murder, He Wrote – Rob’s Commentary

Abortion has been at the center of our national debate for decades now. But there’s been a lot of confused thinking surrounding it. On this week’s “Truths That Transform” program, you’ll discover what the Bible has to say about abortion and the value of human life. And we look at next steps for the pro-life movement in a post-Dobbs world.

The Church in Captivity: Abortion – Rob’s Commentary

America has become a patchwork of pro-life and pro-abortion states since the 2022 reversal of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion on demand in all 50 states. On this week’s “Truths That Transform,” discover the case for life as a medical expert investigates the humanity of the preborn. And Dr. Pacienza provides practical guidance for what Christians can and must do to defend vulnerable human life in this culture of death.

Reclaiming America for Christ – Rob’s Commentary

In this week’s “Truths That Transform,” we look at what Christians can do to counter the prevailing abandonment of God in our culture. One patriot shares his playbook for effecting transformative change in local communities. Then, Dr. Kennedy lays out what it would truly mean to reclaim this nation for Jesus Christ.

The Ultimate Hope for America – Rob’s Commentary

America is facing challenges that are threatening the spiritual state of our nation. In this week’s “Truths That Transform,” we share with you hope for this new year, and a plan for moving forward in a year which will have an enormous impact on America’s future.