Discerning Good and Evil

False teachers often want to refashion Christianity to suit the world, rather than confront the world with a call to repentance and redemption. The result is compromise and a loss of the gospel. On this week’s Truths That Transform, you’ll discover how to weed out some of the falsehoods of our own day.

Discerning Good and Evil – Opening Segment

A key insight of J. Gresham Machen in his landmark book Christianity and Liberalism was that theological liberalism wasn’t just a variety of Christianity—it was a different religion altogether. We look at this prophetic book published a century ago and how it sheds light on the battles that the Christian church faces here in 2024 […]

Authentic Christianity in a Secular Age – Rob’s Commentary

Unless you’re a theology student, you’re unlikely to be familiar with the name J. Gresham Machen. But he’s a pivotal figure in American Christianity. His insight into the struggle the modern church was facing is as fresh and applicable today as it was one hundred years ago when he wrote Christianity and Liberalism. I invite […]

Murder, He Wrote

Abortion has been at the center of our national debate for decades now. But there’s been a lot of confused thinking surrounding it. On this week’s “Truths That Transform” program, you’ll discover what the Bible has to say about abortion and the value of human life. And we look at next steps for the pro-life movement in a post-Dobbs world.

Murder, He Wrote – Opening Segment

Abortion has been at the center of our national debate for decades now. But there’s been a lot of confused thinking surrounding it. On this week’s “Truths That Transform” program, you’ll discover what the Bible has to say about abortion and the value of human life. And we look at next steps for the pro-life movement in a post-Dobbs world.

Murder, He Wrote – Rob’s Commentary

Abortion has been at the center of our national debate for decades now. But there’s been a lot of confused thinking surrounding it. On this week’s “Truths That Transform” program, you’ll discover what the Bible has to say about abortion and the value of human life. And we look at next steps for the pro-life movement in a post-Dobbs world.

The Church in Captivity: Abortion – Opening Segment

America has become a patchwork of pro-life and pro-abortion states since the 2022 reversal of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion on demand in all 50 states. On this week’s “Truths That Transform,” discover the case for life as a medical expert investigates the humanity of the preborn. And Dr. Pacienza provides practical guidance for what Christians can and must do to defend vulnerable human life in this culture of death.

The Church in Captivity: Abortion – Rob’s Commentary

America has become a patchwork of pro-life and pro-abortion states since the 2022 reversal of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion on demand in all 50 states. On this week’s “Truths That Transform,” discover the case for life as a medical expert investigates the humanity of the preborn. And Dr. Pacienza provides practical guidance for what Christians can and must do to defend vulnerable human life in this culture of death.