Be Part of Our Nationwide Prayer Movement

When God’s people pray, the Lord listens and answers. We live in troubled times. God’s providential hand on our nation is needed now. Together, let’s pray!

Dear Friend,

You and I have the opportunity, privilege and duty to “stand in the gap” for America in prayer as our nation votes this fall. Great issues will be decided and I urge you to intercede on America’s behalf. This 40 day prayer guide will help you do so with focus and purpose. May God bless you as you invoke His protection and blessing on our land!

For Christ and His Kingdom,

Daily email signup

Check your email for a short daily “Election Day Prayer Update” from Coral Ridge Ministries. It will include a prayer topic for the day. For example: 

  • Day 4. PRAY for God’s wisdom to discern which candidates are most in alignment with biblical values.
  • Day 8. PRAY for godly candidates to be protected from evil, and to have good health, safety, strength, and endurance to campaign with vigor until Election Day.

And an inspirational reading about the power and efficacy of prayer.


40 days of prayer

live kickoff meeting

Join Dr. Alveda King and Dr. Rob Pacienza live online as we kick off the 40 days of prayer leading up to the election. Join us as we ask God to intercede in this critical election.



Interested in more resources on God’s providential hand throughout our nation’s history?

For your generous gift of any amount


Three Leaders Preach God’s Word for this Hour
Featuring messages from Dr. D. James Kennedy, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, as well as Dr. Rob Pacienza, this important and much-needed DVD offers you biblical guidance for the way back to moral sanity in America.

For your generous gift of $50 or more

Miracles in American History

Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer
This beautiful, lavishly illustrated hardbound book tells you the wonderful story of God’s providential care for America from our founding onward. In it, you’ll read account after account of God’s intervention in our nation’s life as His people prayed.


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